I've also got a Moultrie, I'm just not sure what model. It is a 4-Megapixel that uses 6 d-cells. I paid just under $100 for it at Gander Mountain last year. I did have to add memory to it, but I had a 512 MB CompactFlash laying around. It will hold a couple of hundred full resolution (2336x1752 pixel) photos. It can also take short videos, but I've never played with that feature.

I also have two older 35mm StealthCams which I don't use anymore because of the film and because they really eat batteries.

The Moultrie doesn't have anywhere near the photo quality I'd like to have, but it does work pretty well. The flash can be turned off. It can be aimed. It can be used with an external battery pack or 6 internal D-Cells which last me at least two months. A lot of my pictures use flash, and I have it set to take three consecutive photos when first tripped.

Here are some samples of what I've gotten with it:

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