We have some pretty cool woodland trails cut thru the LNP project and know that the deer use them frequently. Not sure about other critters, but I think it's time to find out.
There are SO many different game and trail cameras out there. Of course, I want to keep it cheap. I hope and expect to get a decent still photo trail cam for around $50 (???)
What are the pro's and con's of these things? I also expect to have wandering trespassers, and if they appear on media they will likely either blast it or swipe it. How do you mitigate that possibility? Are there trail cams that are so tiny that they can be hidden inside a dead tree trunk...or something like that? Also, I assume that I would not want the "flash" feature to function for fear of exposing it's presence. Are there units that have adjustable exposure to photograph in dusky areas without the use of flash?