Hi Guys:
Great forum, it's a wealth of ideas and info. I need to tap the collective brain power of everyone for this one. I have a pond that is loaded with goldfish, I mean 1000's of the little beggars and I need to remove most of them. So far, here's what I've tried.

1. A 10' cast net, good for 10-20 at a time as long as they are shallow, but they get really spooky after consecutive days of net bombardment.

2. A fish trap I made from PVC chicken wire never caught more that about 10 a day and then they got wise and quit going in.

3. A Seine - I tried to siene them but the water is crystal clear, and drops rapidly to 4 feet and then drops again to 10+ feet so they just shoot out under the Seine.

OK Guys - At the rate I'm catching the goldfish right now, I'm not even keeping up with the spring spawn! There must be some bait, a better trap, some something to catch 'em out of the pond!

Lets have those great ideas!
Thanks \:D