Thank you, gents. I really enjoy taking you guys there with me, if only as a cyber-visit. It's been a collective mind operation, implemented thru my back and credit line. D-ski's also. I really hope that Cody will be able to download this page (potential difficulty = pics divided by dial-up). His thought process and endless giving of time and guidance was a leader on this project.
Phil and Donna were simply amazed at how "clean and healthy" the specimens were. When I told him that I was counting on them to help me "manage the pond" by fishing it, I could see the wheels turning.
I wonder what these same fish will look like next year?
...JHAP notes
Between your PVC reef and the the Porquipine Fish Attractor video that Nate posted it seems like that type of structure is great to add to a pond.

Absolutely affirmative, Jeff. Our clarity continues to be good; about 3 feet. Remembering that the pond is down by about 18" right now, the tops of the PVC trees were still about 12" - 18" below the surface and easily seen, even from 8-10 feet away. Even the tops of the black tires could be seen when up close, appearing as a dark shadow of their outline under the surface. Cool!