
This is a horrifyingly simple way to move protein to my "hopefully someday to be giant" perch.

One interesting thing that I learned about Bob Lusk while he was here is that if he agrees with you he'll give you a big smile and confirmation of your deep and undeniable wisdom. But if he doesn't agree with you he will produce a wry smile and say something to the effect of "I'm not entirely sure of that", then he'll make you think it through by posing a question or alternative. An example would be as follows:

Bruce: "Bob, I'm looking forward to moving these biggest perch into my new pond, since they'll be all females".

Bob: "I'm not entirely sure about that. If you don't see egg formation, could it be that a couple of your biggest perch in the tank are just the most agressive"?

Bruce: "Ulp"

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.