Rainman, your correct, as I see alot of your posts are. Added three bags of Hydrated Lime and 25lbs of Alum. Next day, pond looked like the Carribean. To much Lime for sure. Over a three week period we have added a total of 5 bags hydrated lime and 100 lbs of Alum. The results over this time has been for the dark clay color to turn light brown, but still suspended. This last introduction took the pond over the top and it cleared within 12 hrs.
So, took a water sample from the test kit for my pool. Can someone help with the interpretation of the results.
Alkalinity: 100 ppm, Great for a pool, but for a pond??.
PH: Off the chart (High), took 15 drops to bring it (lower it) into correct range.
Several months ago, my son caught a bass over in the neighbors pond, 6 or 7 inches. He went and put this bass into our pond. Since we could not see an inch into our pond, we had no idea if this guy survived. Well, low and behold, there he is swimming around the pond with no place to hide now that you can see to the bottom of the pond. What I noticed, he was slow with lot's of red blood markings around all his fins and lips. I suspect we gave him the chemical shock of his life.