Wow, I go to Hong Kong for 9 days and you guys are already wintering up. I must admit that this is an ambitious project and you once told me I had too much time on my hands.
I really thought that the someone would have done this with tilapia first. Bruce there is an aquaculture project somewhere in the northeast where they are raising fish at a much greater ratio than yours, I will try to relocate it. The key to their success was water movement and filtration while feeding at an extreme rate. You have the flow and filteration part,.and as an aside, wouldn't the flow of water protect your pipes from freezing? That is a question from a warm weather guy who could no ever imagine 10 degrees fahrenheit, and would struggle with 10 celsius.
I am pretty sure the gas induces giggling but is not addicting. I have however, read reports of its affect on the gonads.
Here is the link, it refers to a dentist being a big influence.

1/4 & 3/4 acre ponds. A thousand miles from no where and there is no place I want to be...
Dwight Yoakam