Theo, it makes it difficult to predict what may happen with a pressurized aquifier. We have come to learn that the artesian wells are the result of a significant geologic formation in the area. I can see some logic that if two wells are placed in close proximity that the second may affect the first yet I believe these things are on such a grand scale that a few pinpricks in the fabric wil not deplete the water. We are looking at placing the second well 100 feet or more away from the first.

Another factor is we need a longer term replacement for the first well since it is 45 years old and it may stop when the 2" pipe er rust at this point crumbles and plugs it up. I had to do some repair of the old pipe 4 years ago when the right angle elbow fitting at the top crumbled and I had to dig down a few inches to get access to the top of the pipe with some integrity to it to attach a rubber coupler and PVC pipe. It may last for another 50 years but who knows.

I would like steve's input on this.

1/2 acre pond in West Branch, MI. Plan to stock in early 2025