Good point. I was not aware that you could get a well drilled for as little as $8/ft.- that is really cheap. I would gladly toss down a couple hundred buck etc. to get this done. My expereince is that there are two well drillers in the WEst Branch area and the lowest quote they gave us three eyars ago was $900, which when they were re-contacted went up to $2,000, out of range for us at this point! Less than $500 is alot different than 2k. Here what we have determined. That these guys have more work than they can handle and they therefore crank up the prices.

To be honest, I had no idea you could get a well drilled for as little 8 bucks a foot- that is nothing. Imagine if that were 50-60 dollars a foot when you went shopping around. These guys typically have a several month backlog and now I have some idea they are eith severely over-charging or they are quoting into the atmosphere to cover any contingent problems that might occur. We've already "sunk" (good work here) almost $400 into the parts for this impact well that is stuck at the "confining layer". Wow- time to spend more time widening my search for other well drillers. It seems like these guys basically have a monoploy going and naming their price. Thanks for the info.

Anyone else out there can tell me how much per foot they ahve paid for well drilling???