Look at this:


Ultrasonic sound effect in fish breeding:
A case study : Dr. S.N.Biswas* ; Sri D.Basu** ; Sri A.Roy** and Sri S. Ghosh***

In case of male exposed to ultrasonic sound, the testes on opening the belly was found to be fully ripe and bigger in shape in comparison to control and the quantity of milt squeezed out was also found to be significantly higher than the control. In case of female it responded easily with slight pressure over the belly and eggs come out without causing any injury to the ovary. No blood observed to be come out even at the end. The spawning fertilization and spawn production efficiency in comparison to control are shown in Table-2.

Looks like maybe it has a positive affect?

Last edited by Ric Swaim; 08/19/08 12:19 PM.

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