BM, The pond dam is set at the junction of 2 hollers with a small spring feeding from one & a small creek from the other. We took dirt from where we could around the edges for the dam.

With this much water running in, the pond leaks terribly to be about 20" low now.
I forgot to mention the bridge supports. Under the platform I used 4" sch 40 pvc filled with rebar & cement. The 4x4's were installed later to stop lateral movement of the I-Beam.

The I-Beam is anchored on both ends in concrete.

The Game Warden stopped by for a visit.
That is a neat bridge, but crossing it would make me nervous that I was being chased by arrow-shooting Thuggee. Especially if I was accompanied by a whip-wielding Archaeologist.
That's funny Theo It was fun before I put up the railing & braced it with the 4x4's!
Thanks for all the compliments. BTW the dog (Jazz) is going on 3yr old Braque Francais (French Pointer). She likes to point birds & I like to shoot-em.

Last edited by Ric Swaim; 08/05/08 09:29 AM.

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