Originally Posted By: ewest
Theo said : "I think the higher number scenarios above are more likely to occur down South than farther North."

Not sure about the question. Do you mean #s 2 and 3 or bigger total egg/hatch #s.

If the second then the conclusion seems to be contrary to the data I have read. BG egg/fry #s from the studies for reproductive ability are based on yearly #s. For example in one text that shows locations and amounts of eggs/fry the per spawn #s are much higher up north. #s like 80,000 per event where as the southern #s are in the 15,000 ish. This would account for the different scenarios - ie one big spawn up north using the entire egg capability and down south several spawns with 1/5th of the egg capacity each time (15,000 X 5 = 75,000).

I meant option 3 or maybe 2 were more likely down South in my estimation.

"Live like you'll die tomorrow, but manage your grass like you'll live forever."
-S. M. Stirling
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