I read an article somewhere about how big bass need big forage to continue to grow and it made me concerned about a pond my family has. It recommended stocking gizzard shad annually but with no way to keep them alive for transport and not wanting to spend big money this isnt an option. Then I thought of another local fish easily caught that could be transported-Rock Bass. I know stocking them has be talked about before but maybe not for this purpose. Its easier to catch larger rock bass than bluegill but best of all they are not as wide as bluegill and are shaped more like footballs which should make them easier to swallow and they dont have as large spines as bluegill. They make an ideal large bite for a big bass. Also who ever said they fight hard in another post hasnt caught many rock bass its easy to tell when you hook one they fight like wet paper towels opening their mouths so they catch more water and maybe shaking a little when you take them out of the water they seem to be the slowest fish in the water They remind me of what I have heard about gobys. They are in short big fat easy to catch and stock bass dinners. And they live under rocks in streams so shouldnt be hard for the bass to catch them. I thought maybe 200 rockbass a summer should help my bass fatten up and if the rock bass get established more the better. Also I cant find Talapia to buy in Kentucky so thats out of the question.