I know I am chiming in late on this post but one thing about the AquaPro’s is not only are some of them not working right out of the box, but when you have to try to fix them it takes forever. Having to remove two of the legs and the bottom panel in the field, especially when it is 95 degrees is not fun. Unfortunately I have had do this many times making for very long days, just ask Greg. It also does not make the best business decision to bring them back to the office to fix and then take them back to the lake with gas prices being so high. Also, the hole in the bottom of the feeder that is supposedly to help with moisture just allows rats to find a nice cozy home with plentiful food. I can’t count how many feeders I have fixed because of rats chewing on the wires. I have some good pictures of rat damage because of that hole in the bottom of the feeder. The Texas Hunters have a door on the side that allows easy access to the wiring and motors and the bottom of the feeder has very small holes to keep rats and wasp out. Haven’t had to fix a Texas Hunter feeder yet, might never have to, but I am kind of looking forward to it after working on countless Aquapros. Greg also mentioned one client (among many) ordered a feeder and it never worked out of the box. Unfortunately I told the guy what was going on with the 75D’s and that I recommended Texas Hunters and that he would get what he paid for. After looking at the manufactures websites he called back wanting to get the 75D because of the price, so I guess he got what he paid for. Sounded like it was the timer and he is calling the 800 number. Haven’t heard back from him so hopefully they resolved the issue. Bad thing is that they are so much cheaper than the Texas Hunter and Sweeney feeders it has been hard not to sell them to customers no matter how much info you give them.

You can't judge a fish by looking at the pond--Bo Diddley