Not a good day to be discussing feeders. Call this morning, brand new feeder out of the box. Worked on test they added fish food, no longer runs the bottom motor. Timer says Jam. This is an aquapro 75D.

Then just a moment ago. Call from water authority. Sold them two aquapro 75D, potential for many more. Luckily I explained up front having trouble. Tried to talk them into TX Hunter but they had aquapro from last year and loved it. I had 5 left in inventory. I took them all out of the box b/c of trouble we are having this year, tested fine. He did the same. They worked for less than a week. Now he has to travel to lake to hand feed then dump this out of the feeder. He has a busted screen timer from feeder he bought last year. It will run all the feeders, so obviously a timer issue. He called they said he would have to send in timers then they would look them over then send replacement if that was the problem. Luckily he did not take that BS answer and they are shipping him two. However he got the run around on the deal, so now not only poor quality but bad customer service.

Want more….I don’t know if new shipped timers will help either client. Had another client he has had 11 timers shipped this year and 2 are working. He just bought timer from I’ll leave it unnamed from another source to try to get his aquapros working. I like some of the guys that work at BA products, got to know them, but find it hard to believe they will have a job much longer with poor quality product coming out right now. I’m not sure how I will sell the units I still have in inventory, b/c nervous I will tick off a good client.

Do you sense some attitude in my typing, you dang right. There was a national ad that quoted me “they are good quality….” Selling their product went from best business decision ever to being the worst. It has cost me customers b/c they are so mad I sold them crap. I basically talked Shawn into carrying them, probably Nate as well. They have lost reputation as well. I’m the dumb butt b/c I continuously believe them when they said they were resolving the issue. It continues to get worse and worse.

Eric be lucky you have an older unit it is worth the money you paid for it built with good components, that is not the case anymore.

Here is a comparison for you on the feeders we sell. Many others we did not list (probably forgot some)
All season
Stock a dock
Moultrie has other less expensive options, we do not list yet

This is suggested retail prices.
Galvanized Green Camo
Sweeney (AF1A100) 70 lbs. $700.00 $750.00 $800.00
Sweeney (AF1A300) 200 lbs. $800.00 $875.00 $950.00
Sweeney (AF1A750) 500 lbs. $1000.00 $1,100 $1,200.00

Texas Hunter (DF125) 70 lbs. ~ $649.00 ~
Texas Hunter (DF425) 215 lbs. ~ $789.00 ~

Moultrie Feedcaster 75 lbs. ~ $450.00 ~

Aqupro 75D 75 lbs $400
Aqupro Fatcat 200 lbs $500
Aqupro 6 gal 25 lbs $75
Aqupro 150DX 150 lbs $115

Sweeney comes with battery and solar panel extra
Texas Hunter comes with battery and solar panel extra
Aqupro 75D and fatcat comes with solar panel, battery, foot pad kit and charger
Aqupro 6 gal and 150DX comes with nothing, battery extra
Moultrie Feedcaster comes with battery and charger, remote control and solar panel extra

So yes many choices and plenty of others as well. You get what you pay for to some degree. The cheap feeders are described as disposable by Bruce, great attitude. However some think they are made to last.

I hope you guys realize this is my honest assessment in a public format.

Greg Grimes