ML, that's probably what I'll end up doing. Although, I have toyed with the idea of throwing "eating-size" (used somewhat loosely) black crappie in, with the idea that my dad and I would have to fish them every couple of days and keep EVERY SINGLE ONE we caught. I figure that with enough pressure on a pond that size, they could be managed on a P&T basis. Sure, if we let our guard down for any length of time, they would stunt like crazy. But I figure that the combination of really muddy water (which would limit the black variety somewhat), and the fact that my dad would eat crappie for every meal if he could, might lessen the potential impact of the problem. I could fish it every day if necessary during the summer, and at least a 3-4 times a week during school. It's only a 40 minute drive, and crappie are fun to catch but hard to find for me as a bank fisherman. And my dad really would eat as many as I can hand him, as far as he's concerned there is NO other food fish. But then again, BG and CC would be fine if nobody here thinks I could make it work. I will defer to the better minds here, but bear in mind that I'm not interested in raising trophy fish, I'm not even all that interested in keeping the fishery sustained for more than a couple or three years. It's not a particularly promising little mud hole. I just want something that will allow my GF and I to fish for something in a convenient location, and give my dad some eats. Either option would fulfil the purpose, but the crappie would be a bit more interesting to all involved parties.

-Brandon E. Wilson