please bury this article. It is wrong and perpetuates the that F1 is gorilla and norhtern is Tiger WRONG! Barry told them reprint with correction and it was never done. Every time this article comes up folks get confused on what is what. Not telling you what to do but Cecil clued me in last year and we figured this artilce was the source of all the bad info. I wish they would pull it from the website. thanks

BTW Darrell, we have several clients that stock 1/2 F1 and 1/2 Florida. THe clients really want a chance to produce 18 lb bass from original stock florida. I also stock 1/2 f1 and 1/2 norhtern for clients wanting a more agressive nature in the bass genetic pool. If you have some ice in winter I would not sugest FLA though, it is hard to go wrong with F1, awesome fish.

Greg Grimes