I don't think docile is the right word because you're can't pick one up without getting bitten. Maybe what burgermeister means is that they will leave you alone if they have the choice, as apposed to many water snakes that will apparently chase you down. I got within a few feet of a Cottonmouth a few months ago and I didn't even know it until the snake decided to haul butt away from me.

Which makes me wonder; would an aggressive water snake possibly keep a Cottonmouth out of it's territory? We have plenty of CM around here and I would tolerate an aggressive non-venomous snake if it kept the Cottonmouths away.

edit: I just did some quick searches to see if watersnakes might repel Cottonmouths. Most of the articles I read say that CM are very aggressive and many said that watersnakes aren't. I'm going to modify my position to one of total ignorance about this issue, right where I belong. \:\)

Last edited by GW; 07/03/08 07:31 AM.