Originally Posted By: Sunil
Folks, we have a solution to our fish fry dilemma.

Young Man (Chris Steelman) has informed me that his grandparents only live a mile from the show, so if we can't cook on the grounds, we can cook at his grandparents place.

Outstanding, Young Man!

He can also bring one or two propane cooking rigs.

Condello and james holt are working on the fresh fish, so we are golden.

If anyone wants to bring fish also, feel free.

This is fantastic. This will be better than Altamont 1969. This will be better than Woodstock 1969. Uncle Sam had me under his wing during both, so I didn't get to either -- but friends tell me that they didn't have a fish fry at either one.

My wife and I will get in a little late on Friday morning, but we'll be willing to help with anything that needs to be done. Just post, or send me a PM, to let me know how we can help.

I wasn't planning on getting a rental car this year. Is there a possibility of some kind of transportation?

And, we need to think of something nice we can do for Chris' grandparents.

Do we need a sign-up sheet? If so, put us down.


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