I have a funny story to tell. I was recently in Italy with my wife and a friend of mine and his wife. He likes to fish maybe more than I do if that's possible. He bought a fishing pole and told our driver he wanted to go fishing. The next day our driver told us he had spoken with a friend of his and had arranged for us to go fishing. My friend was excited until we arrived at a fish market. We walked around and viewed the fish at the market and then left. It was funny just to see my friends face. I have another story for George. George has made me feel like I don't know what I am doing breaking my line all the time. He tells me DR. Condello can catch giant bass with only dental floss. Well I decided to at least see if I could catch some bluegill with an ultrlight using four pound test. The reel was tiny and only held about fifty yards of line maybe less. I put a tiny hook on and a small cricket. I threw out the line and either a catfish or a hybrid ate it. My drag began to scream and I was running out of line. I kept on tightening the drag because I was running out of line. It broke but I am going to try again. New line and new reel.