My fishing yesterday was great. I've located a place that is infested with small redears. I can barely open and close my hands I got poked so many times. I think I'm going to need to go to the hospital for a transfusion. I think I'm going to leave this place alone and try it next year after they've grown a bit. I also caught a largemouth that had a big lump in his tummy. I figured that he must have eaten one of the redears. I kind of massaged his belly and he spit up the entire stomach contents. I couldn't believe what I saw. Out came approximately 100 damselflys that were mature and fully colored. Some were blue, and others were yellow and black. I can't imagine that he could have had enough efficiency to catch that many off of the surface, so he must have been catching them as they emerged. I guess I really don't know what a damselfly is doing right before he takes to the sky. Does he have to dry the wings or something?

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.