I have what I've been told are 500KV lines, running through my property. The run right over my pond.

I'd rather they weren't there, but there are some good points to them. Under certain conditions, the metal roof on our home hums. It sounds like a big bulldozer idling off in the distance. They do make constant arcing and snapping noise, but after a while, the noise just gets tuned out. As Eastland said, I can light a 4-foot fluorescent lamp by just holding it, and standing under the lines. My fly reel arcs inside when I reel it, and I can pull half-inch sparks off the eyes of my flyrod and my 12-foot jigging rod.

The good points are that I have this 300-foot wide strip on one edge of my property that must stay cleaned out. The power company comes along ever few years and sprays poison to kill the brush and trees on properties that aren't maintained. But, I keep mine bushogged -- about 5 acres of right-of-way. I usually just bushhog each August, as it is a wildlife sanctuary the rest of the time. It is a great place for wildlife. It runs between two heavily forested areas. I keep it mostly in grass -- except where my pond is located, my berry patches, my garden, my wood piles, and my chicken yard. At one time or another, the power line right-of-way has allowed us to view nearly every type of critter that lives in West Virginia.

I feel it is tolerable. My fish are happy.


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