Chuck, what is your preferred emphasis species from the RES/YP/SMB? If I knew more about managing this combo, that might make a difference.

My thoughts, going with small, bought fingerlings:
OPTIMUM: 400 RES, 300 YP, 75 SMB (same schedule you gave)
MINIMUM: 200 RES, 200 YP, 50 SMB (same schedule)

I see two main risks to using larger wild SMB:
1) Not having properly sized forage or forage they are used to eating at the time of stocking.
2) Disease and parasite introduction.

Cecil may have a good idea of the risks of 2) in Indiana. 1) could be partly allayed by waiting until the RES and YP have spawned, and the offspring are suitably sized. The wild SMB will be unlikely to be living on small YP and RES, and I'm not sure if it can be predicted how well they would do in the pond.

Have you put in spawning structure for the YP or SMB? YP spawning helpers are very easy to add from shore in the early Spring before you want them to spawn. SMB beds (if they need to be added) would take more preparation,; probably best to work in warmer water.

"Live like you'll die tomorrow, but manage your grass like you'll live forever."
-S. M. Stirling
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