So I guess this particular event will consist of 2 man teams??? I think we have got the whole pond boss convention all wrong. What we really need to have is a pond boss reunion, with a few different pondmeistering events and of course a fish fry.
Kind of like the worlds strongest man competitions. I bet ESPN would televise the inaugural event! I will let JHAP or Brettski come up with a catchy name.

I take that back about modeling after the worlds strongest man, I dont think this event should have the winner take all. It should be more like the olympics where you just enter the events you specialize in.

Grimes, bass are easy to fillet. 1759 seconds for 40 bass and 2 guys is not going to hardly make the semi-finals.

Man! we could have all kinds of events!

Cecil would dominate the taxidermy
George would own the flyfishing stuff
Bruce could bring along a trophy bluegill to show and maybe win a ribbon.
I would be the judge for the fish frying competition