
Thanks... I will hope that the windmill will help - hard to say. I am discouraged after losing so many fish. I hope the aeration will atleast keep a small area open during the winter months.

I have never taken water temps in my pond before. I plan on doing that a little more this summer as I try to monitor things a little better than before. Yes, I did feed the fish for the last few years. I probably fed about 2-3 times a week. Since I did not have to many problems before last fall part of me wonders if someone did not poison my pond. Now that Spring is finally here, I have been fishing my pond and seen next to no fish. Even the squaw (pike minnow) seem to be gone. I have seen a couple ospery fishing so there must still be a few fish.... Do any of you do any type of water testing? How do you test it? Do you send it to someone?