Texas SMB Trivia
Sunil, obviously there is nuthin’ trivial about smallies…

Circa 1980, Small Mouth Bass were stocked in Lake Texoma, a Texas/Oklahoma border Lake.
During this time my wife and I fished many Texas and Oklahoma reservoirs, primarily for Large Mouth Bass and Small Mouth Bass, until we discovered Striped Bass on Lake Texoma, and we were hooked – pun intended.

In April 1984 my wife caught the first reported SMB on Texoma, as reported by sports writer Andy Anderson, who had inquired about previous SMB stocking.

Obviously it would have been a record had it not been released back to the visible spawning beds.

Bruce and Dwight, it was caught on a 1/8oz lead head jjg with a smoke curly tail jig on an OK special UL SMB spinning rod.
NO worms or “night crawlers” allowed.

Over following years numerous SMB were caught but never targeted, frequenting rocky points and gravel shoreline when fishing for pre-spawn striped bass.

The Lake record was broken during early years and at one time held the Ok state record.

One of my smallies would have qualified for record on conventional tackle and likely another on fly tackle, and were documented on certified scales. I have never fished for records – strictly for sport.

SMB are lake Texoma’s best-kept secret.
Sunil – I love them – can I stay in the club?

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)