Assuming the tilapia will be subject to winter die off and they are being stocked for extra forage then it seems it would be good to stock them 50/50 or in their normal % mix. The males with fast growth would use energy to produce more lbs. of forage per unit of pond capicity/energy , while the females are creating new recruits. With one growing season only I would think that a mix would optimize the growth potential of the pond and create a mix of forage sizes for all sizes and types of predators. Does a tilapia spawn generally result in equal numbers of male and female ? I don't know much about tilapia but with most forage fish you want a mix of sizes if you have a mix of predator sizes. If one size class of either prey or predator is to big it can cause imbalance in the fish size dynamics of the pond. For example to many small LMB in a bass crowded pond or to many small BG in a stunted BG pond. Do tilapia work that much differently than BG ? What am I missing ?