Eastland's 2005 abstract : Pro's - All my fish are fat, bgill can be caught a dime a dozen from the shoreline, fathead minnows still exist. HSB & Catfish stocked at 3-4" mid-April are now 12". LMB seem to prefer Tilapia over bgill, I tried to get a pic of a big LMB trying to position a 8" tilapia for a meal, but couldn't get close enough. I hand feed, only twice a month...with a good turnout. Tilapia numbers must have been extremely low by Fall, only a few larger ones sighted when water was 54 degrees. I did not witness a fish kill due to absense during our drop in temps. Con's - Do not plan on catching them unless you have dynamite...I fished regulary and failed to accidentally foul hook one...tried bread, worms, and live crickets, cabbage, etc. They did not devour all vegetation...I had thick brushy pondweed before the cooler temps in shallow areas...no algae though.

2006 - I held back 7 breeding adults, they are currently in my 90 gallon aquarium, I will be transferring their offspring into a standby 48 gallon aquarium as they arrive. By Mid April, I will have hundreds available to begin the cycle all over again. I prefer the Hybrid orange Moz. Tilapia...they are easily seen in the shallows and make extremely easy prey.