I don't really know how I can determine cfm - the gauge only gives me pressure. I definitely do not regret the mill - as it is now free to operate. It also adds a lot to the feel and look of the pond. I am skeptical if one mill will make much of a difference however to an almost 4 acre pond.

The diffuser manifold is pretty simple and I thought I would have to adjust the air flow to balance it out but both valves are wide open and both diffusers appear to be producing roughly the same amount of air. I have one diffuser out about 25' further and 5'+/- deeper yet still about the same air flow.

I would say that performance seems good - if the wind blows, it produces air. I have noticed that it takes a sustained breeze for about 15-20 seconds before enough pressure is built up to push out air. So performance is obviously greatly dependant on wind or lack of. I have also noticed that it takes more than the lightest breeze to turn the fan. I would say that it needs to be up around 2-3mph to turn the fan fast enough to push out air. I have no way of measuring wind speed - just a guess. Percentage of aeration will just depend on the day and location... I am guessing at my pond that this time of year it will run about 75% of the time. We get calm mornings and evenings and usually have a breeze or wind the rest of the time. I will need to monitor it more than just a few hours however to provide any usefull information.

Last edited by Idaho-Pond; 05/26/08 08:57 PM.