Ewest very well stated agree 100%.

ML, not trying to argue with you. Wanted another thread b/c it is a little of topic. I guess I can agree to disagree about somethings. I just wanted to clarify b/c I thought you said helathy bass are less likely to chase a lure? You state "A predator that hunts and stalks for its food is likely to be more aggressive than one that has its feed handed to them twice daily." The bass I'm talking about do not eat the feed so he has to chase the bluegill around the feeder. How does feeding create a diff situation than tons of tilapia in the water column. If tilipia and now bluegill are numerous the bass do not have to chase them as much. Sorry do not see how you argue the bass are less agressive with a feeder.

I once again state by feeding and growing more bluegill/tilapia I'm making more bass food thus helathier bass thus more of them to catch and b/c they are healthy has nothing to do with the fact they bite a lure the same as well as if we were not feeding. Ok that sentence was way to long but hope it made sense.

Ok, back to tilapia, you think you have more small bluegill. Cool do you think your water was more green than in years past? If so this is great news b/c the tilapia should help me with fertilization program. thanks for info.

Greg Grimes