I have a family of crows that visit my property twice a day. Does not that count?

Along with the usual Robins nesting in the corner posts of my log home, common house finches on the deck and nesting under it, I also have a couple of starlings nesting under the meter cover of my parent's propane tank. I commented to my wife aren't they just like typical Brits we observed in London all noisy and hyper? (For those of you that don't know Starlings are orginally from Great Britian.)

I also have a family of Pigeons that show up daily, Catbirds, Grackles, and various sparrows. And then there's the pair of mallards that show up on a daily basis. And there are the swallows that nest in my inflow pipes to the ponds when they are not in use.

What birds do you all see around your ponds? Anybody have any bats? I haven't seen one here for some time during the time of year they should be here.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 05/22/08 09:31 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.