Originally Posted By: GW
Those are pretty birds. My girl Cindy also has 6 feeder, or maybe even a few more by now. It's surprising how fast they go through the seeds.

Dski and I (OK...mostly Dski) have been feeding the Goldpigs for many years. We were blasting thru Nyjer seed to the point that it became a function in our budget. This concerned me, so I did a study. It was very scientific: I stood by the window and watched. The GF mow down the seed as they daintily plucked it from our tube feeders. After many minutes of keen observation, I realized that for every one seed they extracted to eat, 3 - 4 fell to the ground. Although the mourning doves are very appreciative of this practice, it wasn't fiscally responsible. So, we switched all the tube feeders for sock feeders . Problem solved. Virtually no waste.