Haven't been on forum much lately,been busy helping son-in-law built new home all summer, but do check in once in awhile just to keep up with all the great info. Just wanted to inform how my niles tilapia stocking here in Indiana went for the year. Bought 170 1/4 pound fish at dollar apiece from AQUA-MANNA think was fist week of May,never added any cutrine plus after stocked them, after 2 weeks they had all of my filamentous algae cleaned up. They ate pellet feed right with the bluegill and really grew. Caught them on crickets. Probably stocked to many in my 1/2 acrer pond, but I had alot of filamentous algae and wanted to get rid of it fast(figured I could always catch some and remove them). The only problem I had was they would hang together and would roam shallow areas at times and stir the bottom up and pond was cloudy most of summer. Friends were always wanting a few for their ponds. Now here it is 3rd week of Nov and about 5 days ago they started to die off. Most of them looked to be about 2 lbs. Each day I would see a couple dead by shore. They never floated to surface to cause a nasty mess laid on bottom in about 1 foot of water, figure turtles will take care of the dead because always gone next day. Never ate any from the pond so don't know how the taste was for being pond raised (just couldn't kill the fish from pond) And as Meadowlark stated great fighting fish, fun to catch. I'll always stock them every year from now on (hate using any chemicals in pond grandkids love to swim in)just won't stock as many, but price was right. Sorry for the long story but hope it helps someone like this forum has helped me. PO