I, too, am a tenderfoot in the pond game. We are both fortunate to hook up with this knowledgeable pack o' pondmeisters. There are quite a number of pictures available...I know because I can bore you to sleep with the photo albums on my website. Unfortunately, tho, the collection only gets you to the point of clearing timber for the site. Pushing dirt won't begin 'til next summer. (click "house icon" above; you can skip the blather and go directly to the "Updates" page). On this same forum, under the "New pond construction costs" thread, Ahvatsa posted a link to a great photo album for his project. Hope this link works: http://photobucket.com/albums/b165/ahvatsa/
Glad to have you aboard. I walked quite a few acres in SW Michigan looking for the "right one". It is beautiful country!