its been too long since the last one, but yup, i just have to share another nice day on water....

been buried in work the last few weeks, so not checking forum much..but did get to play hookey last friday, on beautiful Lake Tahoe....

We met our guide (Gene) at Cave Rock on Friday for an afternoon trip. Talk about a blue bird day. No wind, 80+ degree weather, it was perfect for one of my objectives, which was to give my Mom a celebratory mothers day “cruise” on the lake, her first time on the water in over 50 years of going up to Tahoe, and of course my other objective, scratching the itch for some deep water Tahoe Macks……..

We loaded into the PT-109 and headed off to one of Gene’s favorite spots. Gene reported the bite had been REALLY tough the last few days. If you dont know how to fish Tahoe (which i dont......yet) you'l likely never see fish. these macks lurk in water to depths of over 300 feet, and you need to go after them w/ some pretty specialized stuff. I learned a bunch and really respected how hard our guide worked to get us on fish. i'm happy to plug Blue Ribbon Charters for any of you who might get to Tahoe one day.

Here are some pics to share the rest of the story, enjoy……..

I forgot how stunning the blue water is:

This pic is not altered…….it was really this blue……”lake of the sky”

Evidence that my Mom had fun \:D

The gracious Cap’n makin sure his crew don’t get sunburned……

Riggin up…..

Poles out……..

Fish on……

Unfortunately it didn’t happen quite that fast……it was a tough bite, but no skunks here.

Fish in and in the box…….a nice eatin size ~17”

We were marking a lot of fish, we had several other hits but really no takers, none were committing, just barely nipping. It was a “reaction nip” type of bite \:D My wife did have a good one on at one point, but it ended up being “the one that got away………” it would have been big fish of day. We stayed a while longer at the first spot, then moved south to another spot and again marked a ton of fish, but no one was hungry. We went down from 4 to 2 rods……..maybe all that flash w/ 4 rods was a bit much for them.

At least took advantage of slim action and took a few nice pics:

First time ever captured on film……..Gene St. Denis puttin the mojo on………

Watchin and waitin…

The water was like glass all day……

Just before we were deciding to call it a day, we got hit. A very decent fish (~25-inches....~6-7 lbs)

The fishes stomachs were absolutely crammed w/ shrimp…..part of the reason for such a tough bite. when the macks go on the feed again, one could get into 30 fish days w/ hogs over 10 pounds. the lake record is north of 40 lbs.

Besides the stomach full of shrimp, can anybody guess what's goin on w/ that fishes abdomen?

We kept our two keepers on ice until we got home Sunday night, filleted, a little lowrys marinade ..baked in foil………AWESOME tasting fish…..yum yum.

Hope y’all enjoyed the story…I know my Mom and wife had a great time, one to remember even if the fish werent jumpin the boat.

GSF are people too!