Originally Posted By: ewest

My guess is that is a HBG. Was the pectoral fin long and pointing back or roundish. The pic looks like it extends well back and is somewhat pointed. That would indicate a HBG. Shape and size look HBG while coloration looks GSF.

Thanks for the i.d. help, Eric. I don't have much experience with greenies, but I knew that fish wasn't all BG.
I think you are correct--the pectoral fin was more long and pointed, IIRC. I'll remember to get a better look if I catch another one.

We've now caught one crappie each in the big pond and the CC pond. Hopefully that is not a sign of things to come. They belong in their own pond, not the others!

"Only after sorrow's hand has bowed your head will life become truly real to you; then you will acquire the noble spirituality which intensifies the reality of life. I go to an all-powerful God. Beyond that I have no knowledge--no fear--only faith."