Got up at the crack of dawn this morning and watched for a while to see if my buddy showed up. No show. Then when I went out to feed my trout I found one dead 16 inch brook trout on the bank with a hole just behind the head on each side.

I watched on a off all day yesterday and before dark except to the point where there was not enough light to see anymore. This morning there's the trout laying there dead. I can only surmise he's showing up when it's almost dark or at night. I do have a lot of illumination in the area (people overdo it on the security lights because the power company pushes it.) And I have a highschool near me that is lit up like the fourth of July every night.) I can't imagine what the school's electric bill is except I'm paying for it through my taxes.

Now I really need to get this bird. Four dead and wasted fish in four days. I'll camp out on the back deck motionless if I have to. I respect this bird's cunningness and learned behavior but he has to go! I've run him off a few times and he keeps coming back!


Sorry guys I had to vent again.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 05/15/08 08:46 AM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.