Originally Posted By: Theo Gallus

I want to reopen discussion on the concern george so astutely raised (Be a Stute; the world needs more Stutes). Question: Just how likely are HSB to take a small piece of worm on a small jighead, jerking along just off the bottom within 50 feet or less of the shore? With my limited knowledge of HSB, it seems they would be much more likely to be looking for fish out in the middle of the pond, in my limited experience, they DO take small worms, but only higher up in the water column.

So, george and Bruce and everyone else with HSB experience, how likely do you think it is that they will really hit small earthworms at the bottom?

Hey Guys, I really don’t have anything against earthworms – SCOUT’S HONOR – I am an equal opportunity angler - I am not an earthworm bigot – HONEST...

I fish strictly for sport and the challenge.

I only fish with artificials – I gave up fishing with earthworms more than 75 years ago…..

I am forever shamed and ask for your forgiveness...

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)