I've got a plastic trashcan that someone else converted into a composter. They just drilled holes all the way around it... I found two identical ones on the side of the road. When I used them the first year I was suprised and a little alarmed when they got filled with BSF maggots. I read about them on the web and decided it wasn't anything critical but I wasnt trying to encourage them since I was trying to make traditional compost. I finally gave up on the bins because they just became a liquid mess during the summer. The BSF had a field day in there.

Now that I've got an aquaponics system and 15 hungry sunfish to feed I've set one of the trashcan composters back up. I filled them all the way up with dry leaves and then soak them down with the hose till they settled down to about 2/3rds full and absolutely drenched. Then I just started adding the compost that from the kitchen I usually send to my worm bin. I know I can compost meat in there but... that just brings up a whole host of other issues with transmitable diseases, especially since they're going 2 steps down into my food chain, pests, etc.
I cover the compost with just enough leaves to keep it from stinking. The maggots have already shown up and started churning though 30 rotting oranges that where laying on the ground from my sour orange tree. My worms won't touch these.

The lid is on the trashcan. It's in full sun most of the day and I live in central Texas. It's really steamy and hot inside the bin but the maggots seem to love it. From what I've seen the literature tells you to keep them in the shade... maybe my colony would thrive even more in the shade.

Since I belive in building my own stuff out of recycled materials I couldn't see spending hundreds of dollars on a biopod (though it looks like a great item for the right people! my DIY design doesn't match it...). My idea is to just scoup some of the compost out of my trashcan composter and fill up a 5 gal bucket and then just tilt it 45 degrees over my tank and how the BSF self feed themselves to my fish. I've got 2 small buckets set up to see if they do it for me.