
If had that many birds show up at the ponds I'd be running them off! One cool thing about the pier that goes all the way across the pond in the center of the biggest pond is the Geese don't have a chance. They used to just swim away from me around and around but no more! \:D

I did have some rare wading birds show up once called Hudsonian Gotwitdes (sp?) that were apparently migrating on their way to Hudson Bay. They didn't stick around long and didn't seem to be fish eaters.

Clarification: When I said the geese don't have a chance I didn't mean I shoot them or anything. It's just that now with the pier they can't just keep swimming away from me. So they end up flying off in frustration.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 05/07/08 02:36 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.