Dave - Are you still out there and frequenting the forum? I would consider stocking golden shiners but omit the shad which I assume are gizzard shad. It is very doubtful that threadfin shad will survive year round in the so. Indiana winters. I think a strong population of g.shad will consume too much of the larger beneficial zooplantkton that are very important in producing rapid growth of young y.perch. Also adult g.shad I think will consume lots of perch fry since perch fry move to the open water soon after hatching.

Once you have the YP and SMB established and you think the forage fish are maintaining or increasing their populations / numbers you can add a few walleye to the 5 acre pond. Adding walleye will be more successful if you have ample small perch (3"-5") and large shiners available. In five acres I would start with 4-6 walleye per acre. Stock 6"-8" walleye to minimize predation of them by larger SMB. A second supplimental stocking of walleye (4-6/ac) could occur 2-3 yrs later if the first group survives. Keep us informed on the progress of your pond.

aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine -
America's Journal of Pond Management