Originally Posted By: heybud
I was wondering how people feel about pond ownership in relation to other pond owners. Do people with big ponds feel superior to people with small ponds, even if it is subconsciously? Do small pond owners have an inferiority complex? Do people inflate the size of their pond to feel better or impress others? We know that people have different feelings about certain kinds of fish and people who grow them. Do people with multiple ponds have a different perception of single pond owners? Now that I'm a single pond owner, I know I feel different. Is there some kind of "pecking order" in pond ownership. Do older pond owners feel superior to newbies? Owning a pond has to affect us somehow. Come on let us know how you "really" feel.

I think that from Bob Lusk, on down through the moderators and more active members, this site has set an incredible and contagious welcoming atmosphere to everyone.

I probably have one of the smaller ponds, but because of all the assistance I've gotten here I feel that have a dream fishery.

Do I feel superior to others because of my successes -- no. I really want to be able to give back to others the kind of help I've received.

Do I feel inferior to others because of their ponds and fisheries -- no. We haven't heard from Meadowlark for a while, but wow, would I love to live like him, and many more on this website. But, I sure don't feel inferior, or even envious.

The only thing that kind of scrapes me the wrong way are articles I see in magazines (even a few in PB) about the wealthy and famous who flaunt what they have done -- but all has been done with unlimited funds through the use hired help and experts. They usually don't know a perch from a trout. And, they take all the credit for these beautiful ponds, farms, etc.

But, I feel secure in my pondhood.

Good fishn'

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