First trip up this year and amazed the bluegill made it through the winter. As stated when we last were up in October 2007 the pond at the deep parts was about 5 feet. I placed an aerator in some 3 feet of water and put it on timer for night run only. Had to run 300 feet of line to the water and was not able to bury any of it.

The winter was heavy with snow and frequent below zero temps with a 27 below in March. Expected the worst and yet did not see one dead bluegill. They all seem very frisky and threw some pellets to them which they made quick work of.
Maybe a few LMB can be added after all as I would not expect future conditions such as low water level coupled with difficult winter weather to be any worse.
Ceadmin, yes our property actually adjoins the refuge and its 65,000 acres. It's just us and nature. The prior owner had the property for 15 years and stated they never saw another person while on their land. So far we have not either.