Let me attempt to put this thread back on tract because it obviously is very important subject to more folks than I realized, but also understand and respect my position that when I offer a counter opinion it is with respect and usually from lack of understanding.

I will attempt to do so, but I have been taught early in life that when you remain silent in differing opinion, you are effectively agreeing with the subject.

Bruce, Cody, Baird and more recently Theo, have taken me from considering BG as “bait “ to an appreciation of the species.

I have made NO attempt to grow large BG’s – call it serendipity if you choose, but it has been strictly by accident.
I have not and will not attempt to target them exclusively or take special measures to grow record BG.

It has been and will continue to be a challenge for me to grow a 10-11 inch, 1 - 1.5# gill in a ”natural” multi-species pond environment, in contrast to serious BG aficionados that raise a 2# gill by building special ponds, over wintering in RAS systems, and selective breeding.

To get back on tract, how do you keep from “gut hooking” BG on a 1/32oz worm tipped jig?
Special rigging?
Experience, or all of the above?

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)