GW you really answered your own question. Think about this (my assumptions here) RES yoy weighed X - it ate a FH that weighed 1/4 X - at that point subject to digestion the RES weighed 1 1/4 X. A few of those at a high metabolic rate (digest the FH in a few hours) that yoy have and you have a RES at 2X. When young those dudes run wide open. Did you see the post where Bob talked about the GShiner fry - ... "Keep in mind, these golden shiner fry are tiny, tiny. 250,000 may only weigh 8 pounds, total. But, if they can live as long as 45 days, they can grow to 6 pounds per 1,000...about the size of a regular crappie minnow. ". That is a REAL growth rate of an average of 4.1666X per day.

I know RES devour tadpoles based on aquarium observation.

Last edited by ewest; 04/23/08 01:46 PM.