Well, I may have pulled this one outta the fire, but that doesn't cover up my lazy dopiness.
I have managed to conjure up the required seedlings to meet our original WHIP commitment. They are being gathered from 3 different state nurseries. Then, the big decision on who is going to plant them. As much as I want to believe that D-ski and I can handle it, I gotta be a bit more realistic. We have a whole bunch of projects on the radar right now and planting 1200 seedlings just doesn't fit. So....I got on-line and started perusing the potential foresters. I narrowed it down to about 6 that were reasonably close in proximity to the project. Then, the list self-pruned as 4 foresters saw no potential for such a tiny job. I got 2 bids; both were within $100 of each other, so that kinda made me feel a little better (not sure why...just did). I weighed out some of the tangible pros and cons of each guy, picked one out, and hired him.
The seedlings are due in this week, so the planting should be pretty darned quick. This wet midwest weather ain't helpin' none.
The decisions for seedling planting are as follows:

  • Line each side of the 600 feet of entrance driveway (open, across a meadow) with American Plum and Hazelnut shrubs. Fill in the balance of the open meadow with Norway Spruce.
  • Plant a 250 ft long shelterbelt across the other 1.75 ac meadow. The shelterbelt will be 3 rows of Norway Spruce and 1 - 2 rows of Chokeberry. The balance of this meadow will remain in native grasses and wildflowers.
  • The area below the back side of the pond dam + 2 pockets around the pond perimeter will be planted with a random mix of Redozier Dogwood, Silky Dogwood, Nannyberry, Ninebark, and Spicebush.

Then, let the deer buffet begin! (God, I hope I'm wrong)