It will take some weeks to get enough larvae to make it worthwhile to send you. I have no doubt that some local BSF will find your container eventually. One way some larvae might help is by their odor. I believe adult BSF are attracted to the the (mild and even pleasant) odor of BSF larvae. I think it serves to signal a good place to lay eggs because the food source will normally be dominated by BSF already.

Your open top should be alright if it's out of the rain, just be prepared for some larvae to evacuate at times. They are able to climb a vertical surface if there is condensation on it. Even with the lid on my unit it wasn't unusual to see some migration out of the vents. I thought of a way to greatly reduce this, but I didn't install it because there's no harm in letting some larvae go. I'm curious about how much the BioPods will limit migration of immature larvae.