Originally Posted By: Bruce Condello
George, did I miss something?

I thought this was a thread about how to catch bluegill. Are you saying that since I have a few dozen hybrids in my pond that I shouldn't use this rig?

I've never killed a single hybrid in my pond from playing him too long. I just take it easy on 'em when it's hot out.

Bruce, we must have been posting at the same time - did you read Blanton's comments above? Did you note his credentials?
He was addressing BG's - I was addressing BG's.
The diffference is, in our pond I am as likely to hook a 15# CC or GC as a BG.

I knew I was going to get into deep doo-doo when I posted my opinion about UL tackle - even for BG's.

You are an exceptinal angler and I admire your skills on catching big fish on UL tackle but IMO it is not for the novice fisherman.

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)