Thanks for the feedback, Ewest...
that is an ambitious task

Maybe not. Software is amazing.
Over 600 pics on a DVD which was premiered at the 07 PB conference

If I got 300 different pondmeisters to provide 2 of their best pics of their pondal pride, I would be thrilled. No worries yet...
(Over 600 pics) It takes a 6 gig DVD to hold it

Compression, my man...compression. A good, compact slideshow doesn't need anywhere near that much room
It took from Sept to Feb to complete

See above note on software ;\) ...we're talking minutes to an hour or 2 maximum with all the trimmings.
You are welcome to use the pics

I would if each of the pond owners approves use and believes that it is their best 2 shots AND might allow me to identify the pond and forum name. It's pretty important that I am collecting and organizing a slideshow that is current and boasts specific forum member accomplishments. I want the forum members to see a pic and know that it belongs to one of our PB brethren.