Originally Posted By: CharlieLittle
The plan is to install the Bio Pod directly underneath the exit chute of the classifier and let the BSFL process the stuff rather than it stinking up the area, drawing flies and having to empty the dumpster pictured below...adding to landfill waste.

Sounds like a job for the BSFL to me! I think you may be a candidate for the 4 foot diameter BioPod. Don't forget that the unit would need to be out of direct sunlight though. You've probably read that BSFL control pest fly species by dominating the waste pile and by secreting infochemicals that repel them.

Would you be able to avoid adding paper and plastic waste to the BioPod? I suppose the paper would break down alright, but I would avoid plastic.

Btw, referring to part of the waste as "grits" created a problem with my morning meal.